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MGK Motion Concert Poster

Software Used:
Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Adobe Premiere Pro

Machine Gun Kelly is a musician who has explored a variety of music genres, but has received backlash about detaching from rap music. In his album, Mainstream Sellout, there is a song called “papercuts - album edit,” that says the lyrics, “Everybody’s so nice lately,” and then, “Everybody’s not nice.” I interpreted these lyrics to represent the people who don’t like him so I visualized it with a broken guitar. However, it is not smashed like MGK is known for, but the strings break which discontinues the music for a second, but doesn’t stop him from singing. I wanted to express how Machine Gun Kelly gets a lot of hate, but also a lot of love which helps him to continue on making music in life and in the animation.

Flat Designs & Skeleton Illustration

Process Work

Colors & Type

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